Maybe you have always admired a lovely stone feature fence? If you have researched the costs, you probably found out how expensive they were?
Traditionally they were constructed from dimension stone. Large stone blocks cut to fit and laid by stonemasons. Stone masons are a dying breed these days, thus command a high price for their services. It is heavy, hard and dusty work however, an does probably justify that price ask.
The practice for building a stone fence or wall in recent years, is to construct a Besser concrete block wall, then fix and adhere stone veneer to the fence wall afterwards. To some extent this can be as expensive as the tradition dimension block construction, because there is three stages to it, if you count both sides of a wall. A basic concrete besser block wall or fence in Australia costs around $600 a square metre, including the footings. The average cost to supply, install and fix stone veneer is circa $250 a square metre. Therefore if both sides of the fence was to be clad in stone the overall price would be circa $1100-00 a square metre. Then of course the finishing touches like the pier, post or capping stones.
Utilizing the standard EcoSmart Stone cladding blocks an alignment connecting system was developed. These essentially lock the stone pieces parallel to each other leaving a cavity in the middle. After the fence is constructed it can then be core filled with concrete which provides the structural and load strength. Fit the capping stones, and the job is done. The footings in this instance would be the same as concrete besser block construction, to engineers specs based on height and load. This system essentially allows a fence to be built with two sided stone facing in the same, or similar time it takes to just construct the besser block wall fence. Let alone the time to install and fix the stone veneer cladding required over the besser block work. Quite simply,
that adds up to considerable savings. Like nearly HALF.
The cost for building a stone fence using Eco Smart Stone is around $600 a square metre, including the footings. Simple fast installation with stone finishing completed both sides. That's the same cost as just the Besser concrete wall, and nearly HALF the cost of a Besser concrete block wall fence with stone cladding veneer applied after.
Simple use of SmartStone Systems ready made pier and column post sections can also add a different charm to the fence. If you are looking to enjoy, and afford, a stunning stone feature fence, look no further than SmartStone Systems.